my story
From Joyce
Embracing dream wisdom to empower women’s lives so we may live more creatively, healthfully, and peacefully is the vision guiding my writing and work.
As an assistant press secretary to a U.S. Congressman and a political reporter in Washington, D.C. during the 1970s, I knew something was amiss in the left-brain, intellectual capital of the world and inside my own being. So I studied Transcendental Meditation and participated in the est Training, two powerful technologies for educing personal and social alchemy.
After I moved to San Francisco in 1981, the first dream I remembered — ever — imparted the crucial scene for a screenplay I was writing. The dream also redirected my work toward writing about dreams and spirituality. Then, dreams benefited my physical well-being and my personal life and dictated the script for a documentary film on healing.
During the 2000 presidential election recount (Bush v. Gore), dreams predicted the results with 100 percent accuracy. Interviews with artists, writers, and colleagues confirmed the power of dreams to report and decode news events. Dreams, including a September 2001 vision of a sludge-filled glass tumbler, instigated pioneering reporting about 9/11.
Crossing the plains of Iowa during a spring, 2002, train trip to Washington, D.C., I dreamed of the coupling of two freight cars, conjoining the disparate worlds of journalism and consciousness.
I founded and edited several online magazine-style websites combining information, intuition, and imagination to evince positive social change. Profiles of women, whose dreams have guided their work and life direction, include artists Marsha Connell, Nancy Sykes-Cockerham, and Claudia Chapline; peace activist Cindy Sheehan, and health aficionado Caroline MacDougall.
A dream in 2009 led me to found the Jewish Association of Spirituality and Dreams (JASD). The goal: to create a global community of dreamers focused on Tikkun Atzmi and Tikkun Olam, healing ourselves and repairing the world. JASD embraces dream wisdom as a fundamental pillar of Jewish spirituality and imparts dream awareness as a spiritual practice for all.
Drawing on degrees in education and journalism, I speak to women’s organizations; writers, health, and religious groups, and professional societies on the power of dreams to bring about personal and social change.
To educate and, hopefully, inspire, I authored PLUM DREAMS DIARY: On Mothers, Men, Modern Medicine, and the Divine, a collection of nocturnal messages exploring the contemporary female psyche, and DREAMS AND THE WISDOM WITHIN on the healing power of dreams. TRUTH: Dreams Reveal Rising Tide of Fascism Engulfing America (working title) will be published in 2023.
Please join with me and dream holders of the light everywhere to call on the guiding, healing, transformative powers of our dreams in our daily lives and beyond.
Dream On!
“Joyce, your presentations on the power of dreams have convinced me. It is time to return dreams to their proper stature.”
Mike B., Marin County, California
“A journalist must travel through a story by examining all the connections and interconnections between events and characters in order to arrive at ‘Truth.’ Joyce Lynn, well aware of journalism’s traditions and heritage, takes this approach one level deeper. She states that for a journalist, a writer, or indeed, any individual to know truth, one must examine all the events and characters in the ‘seen’ world against the backdrop of one’s ‘unseen,’ i.e. dream world. And, only when all these connections are made can one realize ‘Truth.'”
Carol S., Journalist, Northern California
"What will your journey be?"
Your Name
Learn the ways dreams empower well-being, self-expression, relationships, and activism.
Joyce is the author of three books (one forthcoming) on the power of dreams.