Dream On! Circle Guidelines

Dreams provide a road map for our life journey. Sharing your dreams with others enhances dream guidance for positive change including well-being, relationships, work, and social activism.

Here are suggested guidelines for your Dream On! Circle:

Goal: Clarify the purpose of your group. Is it a salon to explore questions about dreams? Is it a place to share dreams and support follow-up of dream guidance? Is it a community to call upon dream guidance to bring about healing or social change?

Content: Focus on the four step R.U.L.E – remembering, understanding, listening to, and expressing the message of your dreams.

Format: Dream On! groups work well with up to ten people. Trust and familiarity are fostered if the same people attend.

Decide how frequently and when to meet—weekly on Tuesdays or monthly on the second Thursday, for example. Be consistent. Gather in a quiet café or private space or rotate and minimize hosting responsibilities.

Etiquette: Be respectful. Learn by listening to and exploring the dreams of others.

Partner: You may want to pair with someone in the group, a partner you contact between dream circles, to help decipher a dream or support you in expressing the messages of your dreams. Decide how many dreams in what time frame to explore together.

Ensure Dream On! circles are safe spaces. Agree on confidentiality; respect others’ privacy.

Remember, dreams are distinctive to the dreamer and best interpreted and understood by the dreamer. To respond to another person’s dream, ask questions prompting the dreamer to look more closely for the import of the dream. You might also say “If it were my dream” and offer your discernments accordingly.

Dream On!