Programs For Positive Change

Dreams impart the essentials for life’s journey. Ancients called upon dreams for healing and well-being 3,000 years ago in the Greek cults of Demeter, Aphrodite, and Asclepius in temples to the gods.

We are only beginning to understand and reclaim the power of dreams to empower our lives.


Joyce's goal is to help you demystify your dreams by offering a contemporary approach to understanding what your dreams are telling you and their essential role in your daily life for well-being, self expression, relationships, social change, and spiritual growth. Based on the power of dreams to guide her own journey. Joyce shares years of experience through her writings and teachings to give you tehniques, tools, and modalities to express the messages of your nighttime dreams for positive personal and collective change. Joyce is dedicated to helping women transform their lives, encouraging you to dig deeper to reveal the truths hddien in your dreams. In her Programs for Positive Change, Joyce teaches you to explore your dreams to reveal, guide, heal, and to expand your awareness and consciousness. Learn more about Joyce.

 CALL ON YOUR DREAM WISDOM: Be a Catalyst for Positive Political Change

Stamp commemorating German student resistance fighter Sophie Scholl

We can each use our Inner Wisdom, our intuition, our dreams, to find the act, deed, project of message to make us a more powerful force for social change.

For centuries, dreams have guided nations toward -- or away from -- their destinies. Dream rituals dominated ancicent Greece culture where temples were places to incubate dreams. Dreams are  intricate to the religions of rhe world.

In this educational workshop, you will learn how iconic women have called on their dreams for social transformation, how to understand dreams througn a simple classificaation system, and how to use dreams to implement your own activist/action plan.

No previous dream work necessary. Bring past, recent or recurring dreams.


Creatively Express the Wisdom of Your Dreams for Personal, Planetary Healing

Dreams, our nighttime messages, link the physical and the spiritual, the body and the soul. Dreams reveal wisdom to guide and heal and transform our lives. Throughout history, artists, scientists, peacemakers in thriving cultures have turned the messages in their dreams into powerful song, dance, visual art, scientific  findings. You will learn a brief history of dreams catalyzing creative expression. Then we spend time creatively expressing the wisdom embedded in your own dreams toward healing ourselves, repairing the world. Bring a past, present, memorable, or recurring dream. Collect materials for the medium you wish to express your dream message such as collage making, drawing, music, poetry, dance, journaling. No previous dream work necessary.
Photo by engin akyurt
  “Joyce, thank you for leading a beautiful workshop on dreams. As always, when I have the chance to talk dreams with you, I gain so much insight into my own inner world. You have a gift of helping us tap into that rich source of knowledge. …And so nice to connect with the others in the circle.— Rhona K., Chef